Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why I do what i don't want to do!

I was reading in Romans 7 this morning and although I knew the answer to the question I posed, it never hurts to have it slapped in my face from time to time. I do what I dont want to do because I was once controlled by sin. And without Christ as my release agent from sin, I would still be controlled by it. Does that mean that I do not sin, heck no it doesn't. Does it give me reason to sin, heck no it doesn't. Does it make sense that I sin, heck no it doesn't. But yet, I do it anyways. This is just another illustration as to why scripture seems so easy to understand and yet it is one of the most difficult things to comprehend.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Multimedia message

Yes we are

I was lying awake lastnight in bed for what seemed to be hours albeit, 30-45mins max, just thinking about how I was created for worship. It was crazy nuts...I have had so many ideas running through my mind lately just on worship and it has carried over to the children. This is probably my mission in Kidz Zone. To develop an attitude of worship within 5-12 year olds. The dynamics can be very tough, but with the help of many great people, this task can be done. Just yesterday there was a student who is typically very shy and doesn't seem to be very outgoing and he was just praising away as he helped lead us in worship. I hope it catches on with other kids. There is so much to give back to God through worship, and hopefully one day, they will realize just as I did, we play for an audience of One!

Although my scripture reading doesn't just jump out and say worship all over it, my mind is drawn to it as I read and study what is happening in the text. I am reading through Romans right now and it is by far, not centered on the worship of God, but at the same time, it is. Our actions, our words, our thoughts, are all apart of our worship!